Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy):
A Psycho-Genetic Theory and World Outlook By Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing Psychiatrist



This new theory of psychiatry is: a "Unified Field Theory Of Psychiatry.” Western social and behavioral science, particularly psychiatry, has been content with, behavior fragment analyst. Heretofore, no Western behavioral scientist had recognized, the single connecting thread of logic permeating seemingly unrelated phenomena.

It is a psychiatry that PERCEIVES a definable whole, global system of behavior-energy, wherein all major and minor, patterns of behavior within the field can be understood, and predicted, because the ultimate objective of the system remains constant. Underlying interrelationships between seemingly unconnected patterns of behavior are visible.

There is a kind of religion in science; the religion of one who believes, there is ORDER and HARMONY in the universe, and every event can be explained in a rational way as, the product of some previous event; every effect must have its cause.

The body of knowledge known as science takes the position that, all observable phenomena can be explained.

Theories and definitions function as efficient and effective tools to be utilized as guides for changing social reality.

It is possible to understand, in depth, the patterns and system of behavior encountered in the individual and in the broad collective.

Behavior is not an individual affair, for when multiplied by thousands, it has profound effects on the live's, future existence and well being of the total people.

Behavioral scientists serve humanity, when we adequately analyze the fundamental causation and logic of these "patterns of behavior."

The concept of, a unified field theory, is derived from the work of the great mathematical physicist Albert Einstein, who searched for a theory that in mathematical terms - by a single set of equations - would combine all of the different manifestations of energy phenomena in the universe. In Einstein's own words:


...to resolve the duality of natural laws into unity...lies in the fact that...two sets of laws - those which control gravitation and those which control the phenomena of electricity and magnetism...must be based upon one general law.

...The relativity theory reduced to one formula all laws which govern space, time, and gravitation. My work is to reduce to one formula the explanation of the field of gravity and the field of electromagnetism.

...The force which moves electrons in their ellipse about the nuclei of atoms is the same force which moves our earth in its annual course about the sun, and is the same force which brings us the rays of light and heat...

"Determinacy" concludes that, in any finite energy system - no matter how seemingly complex at the surface level - a unitary law can be discerned, simply because, there is specific order in the universe, and thus order in any given energy system. A unitary law reveals the nature of that specific order.

Confusion is a result of, failure to see, the interconnections that exist between many seemingly isolated, disconnected behavior-energy phenomena.

To unveil, the total unified form, structured by interconnections and their fundamental cause, may be said in the reverse order: failure, to perceive, the total outline of a dynamic, makes it difficult, if not impossible, to make sense of isolated behavioral patterns, within the total behavioral system framework.

Once the outline of context has been established, the order in which the small pieces are to be placed immediately becomes clear.

A total behavior-energy system can be seen and understood as a "unified field" of energy phenomena.

Once that unified field of behavior-energy is perceived and described, setting forth its fundamental cause and dynamic, the once seemingly isolated, little understood, often unexamined, individual phenomena of behavior-energy within the field, are seen in brilliant coherence, whereas before, they were neither visualized nor understood adequately. The underlying interrelationships between seemingly unconnected patterns of behavior are visible.

The global white supremacy system, racism, is a highly specific system of behavior-energy. The force and energy of this system, through its ultimate goal objective, determines the dominant patterns of behavior in the world today.

The global white supremacy system/culture constitutes a finite, "UNIFIED BEHAVIOR-ENERGY FIELD." The single, unitary Law of white GENETIC SURVIVAL "governs" its origin and its continuance.

Knowledge of the unitary, causative law that GOVERNS this FIELD, enables the PREDICTION of future behavior energy patterns within it.

Most of the major behavior-energy entities, myths and symbols included, in the white supremacy system/culture are related to the single underlying law governing the origin and continued existence of Western civilization.

All major and minor, behavior-energy of the global white collective, conforms to the basic behavior-energy "EQUATION" of "white over Non-white, or white power, over Non-white powerlessness. This is the necessary power, or energy "EQUATION" for white genetic SURVIVAL.

***PSYCHO-GENETIC Theory & World Outlook***

Black people need a law to guide us in, the evolved energy system of the white supremacy behavior organization, in order to facilitate our movement in that system.

The color-line, racism, has controlled events in the 20th century, and prior centuries. The "solution" to the problem of the color-line, will regulate events in the 21st century and beyond.

A basis for, the "solution" to the problem of the color line, rest in an adequate analysis of, the nature of the color line - the exact nature of local and global racism.

There is never consistent motion towards problem "solution" because to do so, would CHALLENGE and alter, the power dynamic of oppression. Thus, high-lever FEAR is set in motion.

During the past 400 years, that Black Men in the U.S. have been forced into PASSIVE and COOPERATIVE SUBMISSION to white men, the major strategy has been the installation of an overwhelming "FEAR."

An extremely high level of "FEAR" and a profound sense of vulnerability of existence leads to, in-effectual patterns of "CIRCULAR-THOUGHT." Problems perceived are avoided and NEVER solved.

"CIRCULAR-THOUGHT" means moving, from problem perception, AWAY from "problem solution," down a diversionary path, and back again to problem perception.

Black people, particularly in the U.S., succumb to "CIRCULAR-THOUGHT." There is not only, a failure to approach problem solution, but there is a, STUBBORN REFUSAL even to LOOK directly at THE PROBLEM.

Black people in the U.S. reject, conscious RECOGNITION of, the global white supremacy system, its absolute necessity of Non-white oppression.

Every energy and psychological effort is expended, individually and collectively, to "BLOCK OUT" and avoid focusing on the true problem of white/Black confrontation - white supremacy.

Amongst black people, there is, the near, total COLLAPSE and LOSS - individually and collectively - of the ability to effectively perceive, analyze and propose solutions to, the problem of white supremacy and its implications for continuing black powerlessness and social disintegration.

Black people are without a perception or analysis of racism, or of a scientific counter-to-racism. Black people, therefore, do not know WHAT to do with themselves.

We are witnessing a collective black floundering and an IDEOLOGICAL VACUUM and dis-orientation.

Effective patterns of, direct "LINEAR-THOUGHT," moves continuously forward in straight line progress, from problem perception, and depth analysis, to proposed conclusive modes of problem solution. This holds for individuals as well as collectives.

A perspective that examines, the patterns of relationships, between whites and "Non-whites" worldwide must be developed.

All major patterns of people behavior, within an evolved system of behavior, can be decoded and understood once the ULTIMATE GOAL OBJECTIVE of the evolved system of behavior is decoded and understood.

Every "social system," including its reflected culture, has a PRIORITY OBJECTIVE, articulated clearly, or disguised hypocritically.

A "social system" is a, "behavioral-system" consisting of specifically designed "patterns of behavior," logic, thought, speech, action and emotional response, structured consciously and unconsciously, which are used as social tools to achieve the PRIORITY-OBJECTIVE of a people.

These "behavior-patterns" are carried forth in all areas of people activity: economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war.

White supremacy is the single PRIORITY-OBJECTIVE of the world's dominant "social system."

Racism is not merely a pattern of individual and/or institutional practice; it is a, "UNIVERSALLY OPERATING SYSTEM" of white supremacy and domination, in which the majority of the world's white people participate.

ALL white peoples have the spoken or unspoken MANDATE to participate actively in their collective struggle for global white genetic SURVIVAL.

Racism (white supremacy) is defined as:

The local and global power system, structured and maintained by person's who classify themselves as white, consciously or unconsciously.

This system consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war).

The ultimate purpose of this system is, to prevent white genetic annihilation on Earth - a planet in which the overwhelming majority of people are classified as, Non-white (black, brown, red and yellow) by white-skinned people. All Non-white people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetically recessive white-skinned people.

Racism is WAR AGAINST Black people, against the Black family, against Black Men, against Black Women, and "against" Black children.

The concept of a "system" of white DOMINATION over the world's "Non-white" peoples explains the predicament and dilemma of "Non-white" social reality.

The word "race" is translated correctly as "organization," the sole purpose of which is, to maintain white DOMINATION and WORLD CONTROL.

There is only one functioning racism in the known world - white supremacy. The only valid operational definition of racism, is white supremacy.

Together, the system and culture of white supremacy produce, the phenomenon of racism.

The goal of the white supremacy system is, none other than, the establishment, maintenance, expansion and refinement of WORLD DOMINATION, by members of a group, that classifies itself as, the white "race."

At least three-quarter of the people of the world are "Non-white," and the members of this "Non-white" majority population are subjected to domination throughout their lives, either directly or indirectly, by a tiny minority of the world's people who classify themselves as "white."

What possible motivational force, operative at, the individual and group levels, can account for the evolution of, these "patterns of social behavioral practice," that function in all areas of human activity (economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war)?

White supremacy domination and oppression of all Non-white people is essential for global white genetic SURVIVAL.

If white-skinned peoples had not evolved a global system in which they established power over the world's Non-white majority, the white collective would run the risk of white GENETIC ANNIHILATION.

The entire Western civilization dynamic is, fundamentally linked to, the fear of white genetic annihilation, and the need (experienced by the global white collective) for the continuous battle against the genetically dominant global majority.

"One drop of black blood, black genetic material, makes one black!"

The term "Western" means "white." "Western" has become a comfortable euphemism or code for the word "white." The terms "Western civilization" and "Western culture" specifically refer to the civilization and culture evolved, determined, directed, developed and controlled by people who classify themselves as "white."

NON-white peoples collectively constitute, the global NUMERICAL MAJORITY. This skin-pigmented GLOBAL MAJORITY is, GENETICALLY DOMINANT to the genetically recessive whites, and GENETICALLY they can ANNIHILATE the whites.

White people represent, in NUMERICAL TERMS, a very SMALL MINORITY of the world's people. "White" itself is the very absence of any ability to produce color. The quality of whiteness is, a genetic INADEQUACY or genetic deficiency, based upon the genetic inability to produce the skin pigments of melanin, responsible for all skin color.

Color is normal for human beings and color absence is abnormal. Color absence acts always as a genetic recessive to, the dominant genetic factor of color-production. Color always "annihilates" the Non-color, white.

The white or color-deficient Europeans respond psychologically, with a profound sense of NUMERICAL INADEQUACY and color inferiority, in confrontations with the MAJORITY of the world's people - possessed of varying degrees of color-producing capacity.

This psychological response of INADEQUACY, conscious or unconscious, based on external appearance, makes whites defensively develop an uncontrollable sense of hostility and aggression, directed towards all peoples with the capacity to produce melanin. With the most profound aggressions directed towards Black people, who have the greatest color potential and are the most envied and feared in genetic color competition.


The experience of NUMERICAL INADEQUACY and genetic color inferiority causes whites to implement a psychological defense mechanism, called "reaction formation." A response that converts, at the psychological level, something desired and envied but wholly unattainable, into something discredited and despised.

Whites, desiring to have skin color, but unable to attain it, claimed, consciously or unconsciously, that skin color was DISGUSTING to them, and began attributing negative qualities to color - especially to blackness. The white psyche could not confront the sense of white body shame CONSCIOUSLY.

The fact of color-envy must remain REPRESSED, color-desire can never be mentioned, or the entire white psychological structure collapses. While whites are saying they are superior, they UNCONSCIOUSLY feel inferior to the melanin pigmented global majority.

An additional psychological defense maneuver, utilized by whites has been that of PROJECTION. Feeling extreme hostility and hate towards Non-whites, whites began the pattern of stating that, Non-whites hated them.

Whites experience, psychological discomfort in situations where, in confronting their neighbors of color, they face their color INADEQUACY daily.

The situation of mass proximity to Blacks is intolerable to whites because Blacks are inherently more than equal. People of color always will have something highly visible that whites never can have or produce - the genetic factor of color. Always, in the presence of color, whites will feel genetically inferior.

The mass INABILITY of whites to LIVE and attend school in the presence of Non-whites is expressed in the patterns of Black and white housing and education throughout this country and the world.

White personality, in the presence of color, can be stabilized only by keeping Blacks and other Non-whites in inferior positions.

In a social system designed to achieve white domination, the experience of that system molds white children so that they may function in the role of the oppressors, or the "FUNCTIONAL SUPERIORS" - because that is what white supremacy is supposed to mean: that whites WILL function in a superior way as compared to Non-whites.

The same social system simultaneously will mold all children Non-white to play the role of the "FUNCTIONAL INFERIOR," or oppressed. This is why a white racist social system is completely incapable of providing total equality of opportunity to Blacks. Such a system must, for its maintenance, produce differential levels of functioning for whites and Non-whites.

INFERIORIZATION is the conscious, deliberate and systematic PROCESS utilized by a racist (white supremacy) social system, conducted through all of its major and minor institutions to mold specific peoples within that system into FUNCTIONAL INFERIORS.

The difficulty whites have in according Non-whites socio-political and economic equality, within the white supremacy structure, stems neither from a moral issue, nor from political or economic need, but from the fundamental sense of their own unequal condition - in regards to their numerical INADEQUACY and color deficiency.

Whites compensate for their color INADEQUACY, by placing themselves in socially superior positions. The color INADEQUACY of whiteness necessitates a social structure based on white superiority. Only tokenism can be tolerated by such a motivational psychological state.

The myth of white superiority is exploded in the presence of equitable social and economic opportunity.

The thrust towards superiority over peoples of color, the drive towards material accumulation, the drive towards a technological culture and the drive towards power, are all cornerstones of, the universal white supremacy culture, and they are responses to the core psychological sense of INADEQUACY. An INADEQUACY rooted in the in-ability to produce melanin. This genetic state is, in actuality, a variant of albinism.

White skin is a form of albinism. There is no difference, microscopically, between the white skin of a white person and the skin of a person designated as an albino.

The first albino mutations (whites) were produced from Blacks in Africa. These albinos, were chased north by the Blacks or wandered north away from the intense Sun so that they could survive.

Albinism, causes the skin to turn white and was considered a serious disease in ancient Africa. The victims of albinism were cast out from the skin-pigmented peoples. The marriage of albinos with one another produced what is now know as the white race.

The original rejection by, the Black mothers and Black fathers in Africa of the albino, white, mutant offspring, were forced to try to love themselves if they were to survive; but they could not arrive at a point of true self-acceptance and self-esteem because there was never parental and group acceptance or validation at the time whites mutated from the Black parents.

The failure, if not refusal, to perceive, the repressed conceptualization of the white self as, the albino offspring from Black progenitors, is an inability to place the "white self" in the total perspective of the "hue-man" family and the totality of the Universe, without admission of the genetic defective status of skin whiteness. The white collective, therefore, must deny the meaning and reality of Africa as its own birth place and the point of origin of its own civilization.

Because whites failed to be accepted by the original Black parents, they evolved the "compensatory" pattern of white supremacy.

From the very first experiences of the mutant albino population, with the recognition that the condition of skin albinism (whiteness) could be ANNIHILATED genetically, by those with black and brown skins - genetic dominance over a genetic recessive such as albinism - there has been white fear of Black genetic POWER, or white male fear and envy of the Black, penis, phallus and entire genital apparatus.

The "testicles" are those aspects of the male anatomy that contain the dominant genetic material, the penis is the vehicle that transports the genetic material, which initiates the production of life and skin color.

The total white group's conscious or unconscious, awareness of their genetic weakness and potential ANNIHILATION became even more pronounced - as a cultural theme - as European whites began circum-navigating the globe in the 15th century; and discovered that they were a TINY MINORITY on a planet wherein all others had colored skins.

Black males, lynched by, white males, had their genitals attacked, removed and taken away by white males - carried with them on their person. The concern/fear is with the power of the genetic material in the black testicles; thus black genitalia, must be attacked and destroyed. But also there is envy and a desire for possession of same.

White men, desire, the black penis, more than their own, why else cut off, the black genitals and take them home.

There is "penis envy" in the white supremacy culture, but it began with, the white male's envy of, the genetic power residing in the Black male's testicles and phallus.

The sense of his genetic weakness or inferiority compared to Black males - because Black is always genetically dominant to white - caused the white male to attempt to PROJECT "inferiority" on white females as well.

The white male's insistence that, he is superior to, the white female, and his forcing this psychological dynamic in white family life, has caused the white female, to wish that, she could share his power and his status and symbolically, to have a penis of her own.

It is, white males, who have the "primary penis envy," manifested in their envy of Black males' penises. They then "PROJECT" their sense of inferiority onto, white females, causing them, to develop "secondary penis envy."

As the mothers, wives and sisters of white males, white females, consciously or unconsciously, have always understood, white males' envy of Black males.

The above genetic dynamics are, NEVER DISCUSSED, directly and OVERTLY within, the white supremacy system/culture. The discussion does continue, COVERTLY, and at the UNCONSCIOUS level, and permeates the logic sequences within the culture.

Within the framework of a given system and culture, certain perceptions may exist, that never are acknowledge overtly and certain ideas, thoughts, concepts and theories that are uttered rarely, if ever.

These perceptions, words, ideas, concepts and theories that are repressed or channeled into the UNCONSCIOUS level of the mind, becomes an entire world of ideas treated as though they never existed in the form of concrete reality.

Through the world of SYMBOLISM we gain INSIGHT into the world of REALITY that must be mastered.

The data from the environment that is ENCODED, and REPRESSED to the UNCONSCIOUS level, does not disappear. This REPRESSED DATA becomes the substratum from which "SYMBOLS" can be formed.

If the Ego cannot acknowledge, the presence of a particular feeling about something, it tries everything in its power to banish it---relegating it to the UNCONSCIOUS, though failing, to diminish its power.

The Ego may not want to see, some things, consciousness passes on to it. These incidents, or ideas, are then repressed, and disappear from consciousness, into the UN-CONSCIOUS.

Symbols are highly abstracted complex, condensed, coded messages, that impact and reach unconscious and subconscious levels.

Once the symbol is formed, it is capable of acting upon the mind, which receives it as a data message of energy.

Symbols communicate from one person's unconscious mind, to the unconscious mind of another. Such communication transpires at unconscious levels when the conscious mind level of functioning cannot bear to address certain issues.

Symbols, agitate, the unconscious, sending out energy responses in the form of thought, speech, action and emotions.

Symbolism is "the art of thinking in images;" an art now lost to civilized consciousness, but not to unconsciousness; which compensate for the conscious lost.

"Symbolic," implies something more than its obvious and immediate meaning. It has a wider unconscious aspect that is never precisely defined or fully explained. As the mind explores the symbol, it is led to ideas that lie beyond the grasp of reason.

These complex symbols are usually related to, the deepest cultural themes of a people, and have significant messages to convey about, the people's and culture's, "reason for being."

Symbolism in, a power system/culture conveys powerful and subtle messages about, how and why the culture came into being, and what the people must do to survive and maintain itself.

Symbolism is, the glue, that holds, the individual and collective psyche of a people and its culture together.

White genetic survival, through the possession and control of the Black male's genital apparatus, is carried forth UN-CONSCIOUSLY in the precepts and practices of the global white supremacy system's primary religion - Christianity. It is in, religious activity that, the highest level of "SYMBOLIC discussion" emerges.

The essence of the story of Jesus, (who only later was referred to as "Christ") was that he was a poor Black man, a carpenter, a member of the Non-white, oppressed population, whose ideas as expressed in the Beatitudes, threatened the power, control and authority of the conquering Romans.

If Jesus and the other Blacks, got out of control, the Roman white SKIN, the whites, could be ANNIHILATED genetically.

Then as now, under white supremacy domination, Jesus, the Non-white, was turned over to the white oppressors, who then USED some of his fellow-victimized, self-hating, Non-whites who wished to ingratiate themselves to the white oppressors - to kill him.

Jesus, this Black man, was then hung on a cross, a peculiar invention of the Roman (white) psyche. The Roman white psyche UNCONSCIOUSLY fearing ANNIHILATION, by the Black male genitals UNCONSCIOUSLY invented an instrument or weapon of Black male destruction, exactly, in ABSTRACT FORM, analogous to the part of the Black male's anatomy that whites knew could destroy them. A highly abstracted line drawing of the male genitalia, is a "CROSS."

Worshiping a suffering, dying Jesus on the cross, is fully comprehended, when it is understood that, Jesus was a Black Man, and, the "black wooden cross" represents, "the Black male genitalia separated from the man."

By controlling the Black, Non-white male genitals, which the "cross" symbolizes, whites have conquered Black and the entire Non-white world majority.

Jesus, a Black Man, shed his Black GENETIC material in a crucifixion - which in reality was, a castration and a killing - so that the genetic white SKIN, RECESSIVE population, in fear of is genetic white SKIN ANNIHILATION, could be saved - genetically SURVIVE.

As long as, the genetic (SKIN) material from, the Black male, is spilling on the ground from castration, whites can remain "white as snow."

Only by the removal and destruction of the Black male genitals can whites have "everlasting life" in the most fundamental GENETIC sense.

Jesus, had to be rationalized as willing to make this, "castration-sacrifice" - giving up his genes (that produce SKIN COLOR) so that whites might live.

Jesus died on the cross and suffered so that "we" WHITES can be "saved" - SURVIVE. Jesus "shedding his blood" Black GENETIC MATERIAL or GENES, so that "we-whites" can "live" and have "everlasting life."

Oh precious is the flow,
That makes me WHITE as snow
No other font I know
Nothing but the BLOOD of Jesus.

The "core dynamic" of white genetic survival, eventually leads whites to, "a major act of genocide" - destruction of genes of Non-white people - or toward "genocidal imperatives." The fundamental meaning of the word "genocide" is "killing genes."

In the collective white psyche, Black males represent the greatest threat to white genetic survival, because only males can impose sexual intercourse, and Black males have the greatest genetic potential, of all Non-whites, to cause white genetic ANNIHILATION.

Thus, Black males MUST be attacked and DESTROYED in a power system designed to assure white genetic survival. In the white supremacy mind-set, consciously or unconsciously, Black males MUST BE DESTROYED in significant numbers.

Failing to comprehend the white supremacy system and its ultimate goal of white genetic survival, Black People also fail to grasp, the deeper sense of what actually is occurring in front of our eyes. We do not realize that the massive deaths of Black Males constitute the GENOCIDE of Black PEOPLE, as it takes Black Males to make Black BABIES and ensure future Black Generations.

Such a genocide occurred in Nazi Germany (1933-1945), wherein the "Semite" and gypsy populations were CLASSIFIED as "Non-whites" and therefore destroyed.

The word "Semite" is from the Latin prefix, "semi" meaning "half" - half Black and half white, and that means mulatto, Non-white. Semites of the Jewish religion, are persons from Africa, who were half black and half white.

SEMITES were the products of the genetic mixture produced when white Greek and Roman soldiers invaded Africa and raped African women, who were Black. SEMITE means the same as MULATTO.

Jews who left Africa, and went to Europe, were "colored" people when they arrived there hundreds of years ago. Semites who left Africa and eventually attempted to settle in Europe, miscegenated further with white-skinned people in the continent of Europe and continued to lose much of their MELANIN skin-pigmentation. However, because of the dominant character of the African Black genotype, including hair texture and facial features, there continued to exist evidence of African genetic heritage.

Because of the dominance of African Black genetic heritage, genetically recessive white-skinned people of Europe continued to FEAR the possibility of white genetic ANNIHILATION caused by the "Semites." Europeans, whites, never have forgotten the Semite capacity for genetic dominance of the Aryan white population. Although after much intermixing many Jews lost much of their skin color, they have continued to be identified as colored people from Africa by the whites!

Thus, there was a 2,000 year history of white hostility towards "Semites," or "coloreds," of the Jewish religion on the continent of Europe.

The FURY of the white supremacy dynamic was expressed in the form of "Nazism." Hitler's and the Nazi movement's, central theme, was white racial genetic purity, the elimination of all persons CLASSIFIED as "Non-whites," "Semites and Gypsies" viewed as having Black genetic heritage from Africa, were considered genetically dominant to the Aryan whites.

The majority of the world's people, Non-white, were manipulated into subordinate positions because, in terms of our thought and logic processes and premises, we were UNPREPARED to understand "Patterns of Behavior," predicated upon, a sense of color deficiency and numerical inadequacy.

Once the victims of oppression accurately and completely decode, the system and its "OBJECTIVE" of oppression, and once we fully analyze the SYMBOLS and patterns of logic, thought, speech, action, emotional response and perception, consciously or unconsciously determined, that constitute the system, the oppressed will be able to RE-ORGANIZE our own behavior effectively.

The process of DE-CODING, a power system, and its culture, is a necessary first step to achieve behavioral MASTERY over that system/culture.

Without this process of decoding, the oppressed FAIL to fully understand what we are dealing with; and have minimal levels of consciousness.

Analysis of conscious and UNCONSCIOUS patterns of logic, thought, speech, action, emotional response and perception, dreams, symbols and intuition - is required.

Armed with such insight, knowledge and understanding, Non-whites, CEASE to be vulnerable to, the behavioral maneuvering of individual or collective whites.

This allows Non-whites to gain, psychological liberation from, the white ideological domination that negatively affects the total functioning of Non-whites.

If they are sincere in their attempts to stop the practices of white supremacy, racism, whites also may be able to find methods to do so, once the cause is understood.

GAMES participated in by a given people, reflect their history, folklore, traditions and conflicts.

All "BALL GAMES" in the white supremacy system/culture play out, at an UNCONSCIOUS level, dominant political, power, CONCERNS. Behind the SYMBOLISM of the "BALL GAMES" IS THE VERY SURVIVAL OF the white race.

The fundamental power concern in the white supremacy system/culture is, white genetic SURVIVAL, through white supremacy domination.

Such domination can be established and maintained only if white MALES and FEMALES, the total white collective, CONTROL all of the "BALLS," testicles of Non-white men.

Since these facts of genetic REALITY, can not be denied nor DISCUSSED at the CONSCIOUS level, this dominant theme is manifested daily at the SYMBOLIC level by GAMES with "symbolic BALLS": footBALLS, baseBALLS, soccer BALLS, hand BALLS, golf BALLS, ping pong BALLS, hockey pucks.

These SYMBOLIC BALL GAMES, are highly important, at the UNCONSCIOUS level, informing all white males especially - but also females - to keep their attention, and their eyes, constantly fixed on the BALLS, as a "matter of life and death."

The anxiety and tension that accompanies ball games is parallel to the anxiety and tension experienced at the thought, in the white psyche, of white genetic ANNIHILATION.

Some of these highly SYMBOLIC "BALL GAMES" are played with WHITE BALLS, and others are played with "COLORED BALLS," usually black or brown. The white balls are small in size, the colored balls are much larger in size, paralleling the genetic power in the white and colored testicles. The most popular games, those that attract most male attention, are played with big brown balls, footballs and basketballs.

If the BALLS can be controlled on the court or the playing field or through ownership of the team, they can be owned and controlled in real life. When whites lose CONTROL of the BALLS, whiteness becomes extinct.

Ball games = war of the balls = war of the testicles = war of the genes = race war.

The RHETORIC coming from our Black Collective is consistent with SUBMISSION TO and/or COOPERATION WITH, the racist oppressive dynamic.

The Black Male arrives at this position as the result of, the imposed power and cruelty of the white male, and the totality of the white supremacy social and political apparatus that has forced 20 generations of Black Males into submission. This pattern of imposed submission is reinforced through every institution within the white supremacy system, but especially in the fundamental social institution of the family, the Black Survival-Unit.

Under white supremacy, Blacks and other Non-whites, are not to develop to their full potential; they are permitted to SURVIVE as functional inferiors, alienated from self and from their own kind.

To deny Black Males jobs and genuine upward mobility, is to deny them the functional roles of husband and father. To deny Black Family units of functional husbands and fathers on a mass level, is to deny male children models for adult male functioning. Deprivation of male models for male functioning means permanent Black male social dis-functioning.

With Black Adult Males unable to function as men, there will not be a major threat of white genetic ANNIHILATION, and white genetic SURVIVAL is assured.

This behavior of submission to and cooperation with white supremacy is consistent with the ILLUSION that there can be a complete INTEGRATION of Non-whites into the white supremacy system.

We are engaging in behavior designed specifically to BLOCK OUT any awareness of the WAR - our true reality. There is no war in history that has gone away with a wish or a prayer. Wars must be fought with the willpower, knowledge, courage and determination of people.

Submission to, and cooperation with victimization and oppression are signs of individual or group MENTAL ILLNESS, or Self-Negation.

The ability to analyze ourselves, our behavior, our reality - critically, is one of the signs of true mental health. ALL Black People everywhere, must begin to understand, the exact and specific nature of the WAR being waged against the Black Collective.

We must give a "DISCIPLINED" group response to the specific WAR being waged against us.

Resistance to and DESTRUCTION OF white supremacy as an absolute form of injustice, requires high levels of GROUP-SELF-RESPECT, and can be sustained only when there is, the willingness to GIVE ONE'S LIFE for the achievement of Justice.

The almost certain consequence of a pattern of consciously determined resistance to and destruction of white supremacy is DEATH at the hands of white supremacy advocates - those who see and understand white supremacy as necessary to white SURVIVAL.

The "FEAR OF DEATH" at the hands of the white supremacy collective, because it cannot be ADMITTED ALOUD by the adult Black population - has been REPRESSED.

All black adults, will have to learn, how to admit openly and honestly, their FEAR OF DYING, in the process of actively trying to destroy the injustice of global white supremacy.

We need not have any conferences other than to announce the existence of our FEAR of white supremacy and to share with one another all possible solutions for overcoming these FEARS.

Black Males, must collectively face, the presence of white males and conquer, the "FEAR of Death" engendered by this act. Black MAN-HOOD, must be viewed as something, so "PRECIOUS" that, Black Men, are willing to "DIE" in defense of it.

The FEAR of such a confrontation is at the basis of today's Black male Passivity, Effeminization, homosexuality, bisexuality - by products of males submitting in FEAR to other males in the social arena; they fail to resist because DEATH is the result of resistance. "Give up trying to BE, a "Black MAN". Why not be a woman?"

To escape this horrendous FEAR of DEATH, sex - having been granted as the one area wherein Black males can "express" MAN-HOOD - is the area of behavior where CIRCULAR Patterns of ESCAPE, are acted out. Symbolically speaking, attempts are made to hide in, the dark Black VAGINAL ORIFICE. When that closes down, the white vaginal orifice is tried. When that also proves unsatisfactory as a hiding place or passage to freedom, Black and white male ANUSES are tried.

After, the white man is faced, he must be resisted steadfastly and fought, if he continues to wage WAR on Black people - as he has demonstrated historically, he intends to do; it is Black males, not females, who must do the fighting.

Black Women can determine whether future generations of Black Children will be WARRIORS or if we will continue to be slaves living in a highly refined state of psychological oppression, which is no less a "DEATH" than direct physical destruction.

Black Women can change, the tide of Black Destiny, by only giving their most "intimate pleasures" to the providers who also prove themselves as WARRIORS against all enemies of the Black Collective.

Black Women must teach their daughters how they assist in the destruction of Black Men and Black People by allowing Black Men to hide out in the vagina.

The answer to the Black male/Black female relationship dilemma is for the Black male and the Black female to make serious, conscious struggle against white supremacy their number one priority. People grow closer together as long as they remain focused outwardly in the same direction. The black male/black female relationship is the foundation of the black nation.

WHEN BOTH THE BLACK MALE AND THE BLACK FEMALE TAKE UP THE STRUGGLE FOR JUSTICE against white supremacy, we are endowed with the strongest possible insurance that we will remain UNITED. We are UNITED in a common effort against injustice, and simultaneously we express the strongest RESPECT and LOVE for ourselves as individuals.

In doing this, black men and black women are declaring we have conferred upon ourselves the HIGHEST possible VALUE, essential if there is to be GROUP-SELF-DEFENSE.

It is critical that, we realize OUR PATTERNS of BEHAVIOR "PERMIT" white supremacy to exist. We must evolve our own behavior, in all areas of people activity, that will checkmate this global white necessity and injustice.

The word "crisis" evolves from the Greek word, "krisis," which means DECISION. A period of crisis, is a time for decision.

We must contemplate our "IDENTITY," the self-image that we carry. For ALL that we can IMAGINE DOING, and all that we WILL DO, or FAIL to do is a result of that PICTURE of "SELF." FROM this, "Self-Image and Self-Concept," all patterns of behavior evolve.

Factually speaking, the black Women and black Man are the parents of the entire family of people - black, brown, red, yellow, and white. Black people can, and have produced all of the colors of humanity, including white. White skin is simply the product of recessive genetic mutation to skin albinism. Whites cannot be the parents of humanity because whites can ONLY produce white.

In the Old Testament of the Bible, the Prophet Isaiah says, "Where there is no VISION, the people will perish." VISION means, the ability to understand the present in its totality, and to organize BEHAVIOR in the present, to meet successfully, the challenge of circumstance, present and future.

Black people must commit ourselves to combating inferiorization through the struggle for maximal development, we must, begin to establish standards and codes of behavioral conduct. Standards and Codes serve as the fundamental basis for developing black Self/Group-Respect. Without true "Self/Group-Respect," all efforts for achievement will be in vain.

All black children, before the age of six (6), should be taught, the following fundamental "Exercises In black Self/Group-Respect:

1. Stop name-calling one another.

2. Stop cursing at one another.

3. Stop squabbling with one another.

4. Stop gossiping about one another.

5. Stop snitching on one another.

6. Stop being dis-courteous and dis-respectful towards one another.

7. Stop robbing one another.

8. Stop stealing from one another.

9. Stop fighting one another.

10.Stop killing one another.

11.Stop using and selling drugs to one another.

12.Stop throwing trash and dirt on the streets and in places where black people live, work and learn.